
The following is a select list of exhibition reviews and articles. 


Mary Jo Patterson. "Nature in All Its Lushness, From an Urbanite’s Mind". The New York Times, May 2012.

The Sculptor Ming Fay was directing two assistants atop a hydraulic lift as they positioned his three-foot-tall pine cone on a ledge far above his head. . . 


Jonathan Goodman. "A Decorative Reading of Nature." Sculpture Magazine, September 2003.

The decorative in art, in contemporary art especially, is controversial in that it resists easy categorization. What is transcendentally . . .


Benjamin Genocchio. "ART REVIEW; The Hanging Garden of Earthly Delights." The New York Times, April 2005.

"Ramapo Garden of Desire" is one of the most tough-minded, brain-expanding artworks on view anywhere right now. 


Goodman, Jonathan. "Ming Fay: From Money Trees to Monkey Pots.Yishu Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art. March / April 2013.

Patterson, Mary Jo. "Nature in All its Lushness, From an Urbanite's Mind." The New York Times (NJ) 18 May 2012. Web.

Hicks, Bob. "Ming Fay Comes Full circle at Buters." Oregon Live, August 2011. Web.

Goodman, Jonathan. "Ming Fay at 456 Gallery." Sculpture Magazine November 2010. Print.

Morgan, Robert. "Sculpture in New York: The Problem of Content." World Sculpture News, Summer 2010. Web.

Santa Fe / North Journal (NM) "The Ways of Nature." Kim Russo, September 5, 2008.

Goodman, Jonathan. "Ming Fay and Chihung Yang at 2x13." Art in America. May 2007. Print.

Leong, Wong. "A Wonderful Garden from FeiMingjie." All Art Magazine(China) March 2007. Print.

Gennochio, Benjamin. "The Hanging Gardens of Unearthly Delights." The New York Times (NYC) 17 April 2005.

Goodman, Jonathan. "A Decorative Reading of Nature." Sculpture Magazine September 2003.

Simmons, Denise. "Seeds of Truth." South China Morning Post (HK) 11
January 2002.

Glueck, Grace. "Garden of Qian by Ming Fay." The New York Times(NYC) 27 February 1998. Print.

Morgan, Robert. "Ming Fay." Review Magazine February 1998. Print.

Bischoff, Dan. "Three by Five: Contemporary Sculpture." The Star Ledger (NJ) 20 June 1997. Print.

Fraser, Kennedy. "Art Flourishes on a Grimy Brooklyn Waterfront." The New York Times (NYC) 27 October 1997. Print.

Heartney, Eleanor. "A School for Sculpture." Art in America October 1997. Print.

Kimmerman, Michael. "In New Jersey, Evolution in Retrospectives." The New York Times (NYC) 18 July 1997. Print.

Schwabsky, Barry. "Sculpture with an Aura of Ritual and Myth." The New York TImes (NYC) 3 August 1997. Print.

Smith, Roberta. "Hudson Valley Conversations." The New York TImes (NYC) 18 July 1997. Print.

Auer, James. "Smorgasbord for the Eye." Milwaukee Journal Sentinel(WI) 15 July 1996. Print.

Sozanski, Edward J. "Ming Fay at the Painted Bride." The Philadelphia Inquirer (PA) 14 October 1996. Print

Brenan, Josi. "Ming Sees Fruits of his Labour." The Standard (HK) 5 January 1994. Print.

Joliffe, Hylton. "Ming Fay at Alisan Fine Arts." Asian Art News 4-2, March / April 1994: 85. Print.

Larson, Kay. "Dance of Life and Death." New York Magazine 28 March 1994. Print.

Magnan, Kathleen Finley. "The Alchemis of Spirits." Asian Art News July/August 1994.

McCoy, Mary. "In the Spirit of Nature." The Washington Post (DC) 25 June 1994. Print.

Posner, Richard. "Artist vs. Public." Public Art Review 6, 1994: 20. Print.

Ross, Jeanette. "Through a Looking Glass." Artweek 19 May 1994. Print.

Schnoor, Chris. "Fabricated Nature, Sculptural Dualities." Reflex August / September 1994. Print.

Sheridan, Margaret. "Ming's Fertile Garden." South China Morning Post(HK) 5 January 1994. Print.

Casey, Shawn. "Cast in Paper." Sky Magazine September 1992. Print

Allan, Lois. "At the End of the Rabbit Hole." Artweek 22, November 1991: 12. Print.

Haggerty, Gerard. "Exit Art, New York; Ming Fay Exhibit." Arts Magazine65, Summer 1991. Print.

Lippard, Lucy. "Turning the Mirrors Around the-Pre-Face." American ArtWinter/ Spring 1991. Print.

Raynor, Vivien. "With Paper as a Starting Point." The New York Times(NYC) 15 September 1991. Print.

Rose, Matthew. "Art during Wartime." The Journal of Art April 1991. Print.

Taplin, Robert. "Ming Fay at Exit Art." Art in America 79-10, October 1991: 150-151. Print.

Brenson, Michael. "Ming Fay." The New York Times (NYC) 23 February 1990. Print.

Zimmer, William. "Food Made Larger than LIfe." The New York Times(NYC) 26 October 1990. Print.

Lunde, Karl. "Ming Fay." PHOTOGRAPHICART, 2ND ED. (HK) 1989. Print.

Lee, Robert. "Public Art - A Reflection of Progress." Artention International Magazine (HK) July / August 1988. Print.

Morgan, Robert. "New York in Review." Arts Magazine 63, September 1988: 107. Print.